- May 29, 2020
- Category: Examples
(1) 0.000008569 when expressed in scientific notation, is :
Soln. 0.000008569 = 8.569
( Decimal–point changes its place 6 digits right and so we have )
(2) 47896 when expressed in scientific notation, is :
Soln. 47896 = 4.7896
( Decimal–point changes its place 4 digits left and so we have )
When the numerator and the denominator of the proper fractions increase by a constant value, the last fraction is the biggest.
In general, in the group of fractions
has the highest value.
(3) Which one of the following is the greatest ?
(i) (ii)
We see that the numerators as well as denominators of the above fractions increase by 2, so the last fraction i.e. is the greatest fraction.
We see that the numerators as well as denominators of the above fractions increase by 9, so the last fraction i.e. is the greatest fraction.
We see that the numerators as well as denominators of the above fractions increase by constant values ( numerators by 1 and denominators by 9 ) , so the last fraction i.e. is the greatest fraction.
(iv) =
We see that the numerators as well as denominators of the above fractions increase by constant values ( numerators by 3 and denominators by 7 ) , so the last fraction i.e. is the greatest fraction.
(4) What value will come in place of question mark in the following equations ?
(i) 0.005 ? = 0.5 (ii) ?
.025 = 160
Solution. (i) Let Then, x =
= 0.01.
(ii) Let = 160. Then, x = 160
.025 = 4.
(5) If = .1904, then find the value of
Soln. In 1 5.253, difference of decimals = 0 – 3 = – 3
& in 1 0.0005253, difference of decimals = 0 – 7 = – 7
Now, difference between decimals = new value – old value = – 7 + 3 = – 4
= 1904 [ =
4 ]
(6) Simplify : .
Soln. Given expression = , where a = 0.06, b = 0.04
= ( a + b ) = ( 0.06 + 0.04 ) = 0.1
Best of Luck