Examples 6 to 10
- June 14, 2020
- Category: Examples 6 to 10
(6) A man sells two houses for Rs. 256358 each. On one he gains 15 % and on the other he loses 15 %. Find his gain or loss per cent on the whole transaction.
Soln. In such a problem selling price is immaterial. There is always a loss given by :
Loss % = =
= 2.25 %.
(7) If the selling price of 10 articles is the same as the cost price of 11 articles, find gain percent.
Soln. Left articles = 11 – 10 = 1.
Due to selling of articles Left articles
10 1
100 ( ? )
= 10 % ( Gain )
(8) By selling 90 pencils, a shopkeeper gains the selling price of 15 pencils. Find his gain percent.
Soln. Left pencils = 15.
Due to selling of pencils Left pencils
75 15
100 ( ? )
= 20 % ( Gain )
(9) A dishonest dealer professes to sell rice at cost price but uses a weight of 900 gms for 1 kg. Find his gain per cent.
Soln. Left rice (in gms.) = 1000 gms. – 900 gms. = 100 gms.
Due to selling of rice Left rice
900 100
100 ( ? )
= 11 % (Gain)
(10) By selling 60 pencils, a shopkeeper losses the selling price of 20 pencils. Find his loss percent.
Soln. More sell = 20 pencil. Instead of selling = 80 pencils
(for break–even point)
Instead of selling More sell
80 20
100 ( ? )
= 25 % (Loss)