- June 15, 2020
- Category: Formulae
(i) When interest is compounded K times in a year, then
A = P
C.I. = A – P = P
– P = P
When interest is compound Annually, then
A = P ( K = 1 )
e.g. Find amount and C. I. on Rs. 10000 at 15 % per annum for 2 years, compounded annually.
Soln. Here, K = 1 No. of years = N = 1
2 = 2
A = 10000
= Rs. 13225
C.I. = 13225 – 10000 = Rs. 3225
When interest is compound Half–yearly, then
A = P (
K = 2 )
e.g. Find amount on Rs. 10000 at 16 % per annum for 1 year, compounded half–yearly.
Soln. Here, K = 2 No. of years = N = 2
1 = 2
A = 10000
= Rs. 11664
When interest is compound Quarterly, then
A = P (
K = 4 )
e.g. Find amount on Rs. 10000 at 16 % per annum for 6 months, compounded quarterly.
Soln. Here, K = 4 No. of years = N = 4
= 2
A = 10000
= Rs. 10816
When interest is compound monthly, then
A = P (
K = 12 )
e.g. Find amount on Rs. 14400 at 16 % per annum for 2 months, compounded monthly.
Soln. Here, K = 12 No. of years = N = 12 = 2
A = 14400
= Rs. 14786.56
(ii) When interest is compounded Annually but time is in fraction,
( say 4 years )
A = P
e.g. Find C. I. on Rs. 10000 at 24 % per annum for 2 years and 5 months.
Soln. Here, P = Rs. 10000, R = 24, N = 2 yrs.
A = 10000
( K = 1 Use )
= Rs. 16913.60
- I. = A – P = 16913.60 – 10000 = Rs. 6913.60
(iii) When Rates are different for different years, say R1 %, R2 %, R3 % for N yrs., N yrs. and N yrs. respectively.
Then, A = P
e.g. Find C. I. on Rs. 10000 at 10 % per annum for 1st year and 20 % for another 2 years.
Soln. Here, P = Rs. 10000, R = 10, R = 20, N = 1 yr, N = 2 yrs.
A =
= Rs. 15840
C.I. = A – P = 15840 – 10000 = Rs. 5840
(iv) For N = 2 years,
C.I. – S. I. =
e.g. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 10 % per annum for 2 years is Rs. 40. Find the sum.
Soln. Here, P = Rs. 10000, R = 10, N = 2 yrs.
Now, C. I. – S. I. =
40 =
P = Rs. 4000
(v) For N = 3 years,
C. I. – S. I. =
e.g. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain sum at 10 % per annum for 3 years is Rs. 620. Find the sum.
Soln. Here, P = Rs. 10000, R = 10, N = 3 yrs.
Now, C. I. – S. I. =
620 =
P = Rs. 20,000