☼ H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Decimal Fractions : In given numbers, make the same number of decimal places by annexing zeros in some numbers, of necessary. Considering these numbers without decimal point, find H.C.F. or L.C.M. of as the case may be. Now, in the result, mark off as many decimal places as are there in each of the given numbers.
e.g. Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 3.15, 3.6 and 9
Soln. 3.15 100 = 315
3.6 100 = 360
9 100 = 900
Now, ( 315, 360, 900 ) = 45 and [ 315, 360, 900 ] = 12600
( 3.15, 3.6, 9 ) = 0.45 and [ 3.15, 3.6, 9 ] = 126
e.g. Another method to Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 3.15, 3.6 and 9
Soln. 3.15 = = ; 3.6 = = ; 9 =
Now, = = = 0.45
& = = = 126
Note : Hence, the necessary and sufficient condition for applying the above method is convert the fraction in reduced form.