Fundamental (Numbers)
Multiplication of a Number By 99, 999, 9999 etc. : Place as many zeros to the right of the multiplicand as is the number of nines and from the number so formed, subtract the multiplicand to get the answer.
e.g. Multiplyi…
Divisible by 2n : If last n digits of a number is divisible by 2n, the whole number is divisible by 2n.
Divisible by 2 : A number is divis…
Relatively Prime ( Co-Prime ) : Two positive integers are said to be relatively prime to each other if their highest common factor ( H.C.F. ) is 1.
(a, b) = H.C.F. of a and b & [a, b] = L.C.M. of a …
In Hindu Arabic system, we use ten symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 called digits are used to represent any number. A group of figures, denoting a number is called a numeral ( o…
- Set : A well defined collection of objects is called a set.
The objects in a set are called its elements or members.
- If A is a set and x is an ele…
- If A is a set and x is an ele…