Operations on integers
- May 27, 2020
- Category: Operations on integers
Properties of Addition & Subtraction on I :
▪ I is closed for addition.
i.e. a I, b
a + b
▪ (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) : for all a, b, c I. [Associative Law]
▪ a + b = b + a : for all a, b I. [Commutative Law]
▪ 0 is the additive identity in I, since
0 + a = a + 0 = a for all a I.
▪ For each a I there exists – a
I such that
a + (– a) = (– a) + a = 0.
Integer ‘– a’ is called the additive inverse of ‘a’.
▪ I is closed for subtraction, since
a I, b
a – b
▪ In general, a – b b – a, as 2 – 3
3 – 2.
▪ In general, (a – b) – c a – (b – c) as (2 – 3) – 4
2 – (3 – 4).
Properties of Multiplication & Division on I :
▪ I is closed for multiplication but not closed under division.
▪ Multiplication on I is commutative as well as associative. But not for division.
▪ Multiplication distributes addition on I. But not for division.
▪ 1 is the multiplicative identity.
Factors in I :
Let a, b I. We say that ‘a’ is a factor of ‘b’, if there exists an integer ‘p’ such that b = ap. In this case, we write, a | b.
If ‘a’ is a factor of ‘b’, then ‘b’ is called a multiple of ‘a’.
Ordering in I :
: for any two integers a, b we say that a > b, if a = b + c for some integer c.
If a > b, then we write, b < a.
Trichotomy Law :
For any two integers ‘a’ and ‘b’ one and only one of the following holds :
(i) a > b or (ii) a < b or (iii) a = b