Operations On Rational Numbers
- May 27, 2020
- Category: Operations On Rational Numbers
Properties of Addition on Q :
▪ Q is closed for addition.
▪ Addition on Q is commutative as well as associative.
▪ 0 Q is the additive identity.
▪ For each Q there exists
Q such that
= 0. We call
the additive inverse of
▪ Q is closed for subtraction.
Properties of Multiplication on Q :
▪ Q is closed for multiplication.
▪ Multiplication on Q is commutative as well as associative.
▪ 1 is the multiplicative identity in Q.
▪ Every non-zero rational number (a / b) has its multiplicative inverse or reciprocal (b / a). Note that the rational number ‘0’ has no reciprocal.
An Important Property : Between any two rational numbers, there are an infinite number of rational numbers.
Note : If ‘x’ and ‘y’ are any two rational numbers such that x < y,
then (x + y) is a rational number lying between ‘x’ and ‘y’.
e.g. Write three rational numbers between and
Soln. Let a = and c =
are rational in ascending order.