
To  find L. C. M.   of  Given  Numbers

To  find L. C. M.   of  Given  Numbers  :

L. C. M.   by  Definition  :  Write all the multiples  of   each  number and  take common multiples  of  all multiples  and  then  select  the least  …

Posted in: To  find L. C. M.   of  Given  Numbers,
Tags: example, & L.C.M., education, definition, math, To, online, definitions, Numbers, find, tutorial, fundamental, of, Given, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta, concept, formula, maheta, proof, Examples, sutra, classes, theorem, SUMS, sutr, class, theorems,
To find H.C.F. of  Given Numbers

To find H.C.F. of  Given Numbers :

H. C. F.  by  Definition  :  Write all the factors (divisors) of   each number and  take common factors (divisors)  of  all factors (divisors)  and then sele…

Posted in: To find H.C.F. of  Given Numbers,
Tags: educational, basic, Parin, Given, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta, concept, formula, maheta, proof, Examples, sutra, classes, theorem, SUMS, sutr, class, theorems, example, H.C.F., education, definition, math, online, definitions, Numbers, To, tutorial, fundamental, of, find,
H. C. F. & L. C. M. OF NUMBERS

Factors & Multiples : If   ‘a’   divides  ‘b’  exactly, then we say that  ‘a’  is a factor of  ‘b’  and  we write,  a | b.  In this case,  ‘b’  is called  a  multiple of   ‘a’.

An  Important  Result   :  

Posted in: H. C. F. & L. C. M. OF NUMBERS,
Tags: concept, formula, maheta, proof, Examples, sutra, classes, theorem, SUMS, sutr, class, theorems, example, education, definition, math, H. C. F. & L. C. M., online, definitions, Numbers, tutorial, fundamental, of, educational, basic, Parin, maths, base, sir, mathematics, sum, bhai, ganit, dakhla, Mehta,